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Carnival in Spoleto
Spoleto (Pg). Each district of Spoleto will be parading its allegorical Carnival float accompanied by masks and music.
Info: 0743.238920, e-mail info@iat.spoleto.pg.it.
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Over 2500 Years of History
An ancient city with architectural traces left by man that date back over 2500 years. The city is perched on mount Sant’Elia, at the feet of Monteluco, and spreads down towards the valley below. Above the city stands the imposing Rocca.
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The Old Town Centre of Spoleto
Enter the city through Porta Garibaldi, in Piazza Garibaldi, and take Via dell'Anfiteatro, Via Cecili, Piazza Torre dell'Olio, Via dei Leoni until you reach Piazza Collicola. An itinerary that will reveal the incredible fusion of architectural styles present in this city.
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Walking from Piazza Collicola
From Piazza Collicola, Via Sant'Andrea leads us past the Teatro Nuovo, seat of the Two Worlds Festival Foundation, and on into Via Filetteria, Corso Mazzini, Piazza della Libertà, Viale Matteotti, the public gardens and Via San Paolo towards the city’s other interesting monuments.
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The Upper Part of the Old Town Centre
From Piazza della Libertà, Via Brignone leads to the upper part of the old town centre: Piazza Fontana, Porta Romana, the Arch of Drusus, Piazza del Mercato, Via dei Duchi, Via Fontesecca, Via Saffi, Via dell'Arringo and Piazza del Duomo.
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Duomo – the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta
Of all the city’s interesting artistic and historical sites, the Duomo is without a doubt the best example of the harmonious stylistic evolution that distinguishes Spoleto.
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San Pietro
Built at he feet of Monteluco, the church of San Pietro ranks as one of the region’s most important monuments. The façade is a fine example of Umbrian late-Romanesque, divided into three orders by cornices and lesenes that frame the rich decoration and bas-reliefs.
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San Domenico
Built in the second half of the 13th century, the church of San Domenico contains a number of fine works. The exterior of the building is sheathed in white and red stripes that highlight a later addition to part of the nave.